Media Chrome Showcase
Who’s using Media Chrome
Section titled Who’s using Media ChromeHere are some projects and web applications that currently use Media Chrome:
Mux Player. Mux’s in-house video player uses Media Chrome under the hood. In addition to the linked product page, Mux Player is also open source under Mux Elements.

Player by on

Talks and writing
Section titled Talks and writingHere are some resources that relate to the evolving ideas, development, & history of Media Chrome.
Designing a player for the context and UX you want -- Christian Pillsbury, TMI, 2022
Building the next generation of video players with Media Chrome -- Dylan Jhaveri, Mux blog, 2022
HTML, the Hero of the Web -- Wesley Luyten, Mux blog, 2022
Rip your player’s face off -- Steve Heffernan, Demuxed, 2021
Accessibility & Media Players -- Christian Pillsbury, Demuxed, 2021
It’s time to rebuild your player with web components -- Steve Heffernan, Demuxed, 2020
Other browser APIs that are going to change video on the web -- Steve Heffernan, Demuxed, 2015